Tuesday, February 5, 2019

New Years Resolutions, or, How to Seize the Day

Start the New Year Out Right, in a Hell Choir!

This update will be a little more free-form, as I am still trying to create a routine, and discipline for consistent Blog updates. I had planned this particular one to be multi-part, one outlining my goals, and future entries updating my progress, but it's best just to dive in headlong.

Sometime near the end of the year 2018, I heard a radio-cast about making every day the best possible day you could, and seizing whatever opportunities came your way. While many aim to improve their minds or bodies (something I really do need to get back on track), I wanted to improve my general nature, and part of that, was pursuing those things that bring me fulfillment. So below is just a short list of some of the ways I have attempted to capture each moment to is fullest.


It may seem silly, blogging about blogging, but being one of those very early millennials, I lived through the boom and rise of social communications networking. One thing I always found fascinating was how people could confidently sit down, and just speak to the world about what was happening in their lives. Sometimes it was for activism, sometimes for entertainment, and sometimes, just to have a chance to speak whats on their minds. Every year, I told myself I'd do it, that I would start a blog, and just share my thoughts. That's where this whole page was conceived. I am a very opinionated person, and have a ridiculously diverse set of interests, and will generally try anything at least once. Going along with that, I tend to also express my response to those experiences, sometimes to the point of obnoxiousness. It was this nature of mine, that caused those in my life to coin the term "Tommentary".  At first it felt jeering, and I allowed it to be a phrase that belittled my opinions, however, I realized, they weren't wrong, that's what Tommentary is,  "Tom-Commentary". After embracing it, I realized that I needed an outlet for this desire to share my thoughts, and so here we are. While I've yet to develop a consistent habit, I am happy that I've been able to organize some of  conceptual fragments into coherent pieces.


One thing I love more than speaking my mind, is music. Anyone who's known me for any prolonged period of time knows how important music has been in my life, and how I always wanted to make my passion into a career. Embarrassingly, I even signed everyone's yearbooks with "Soon to be Famous", that was in 2006 during my Emo band years. Unfortunately, between my lack of natural talent, and fear of failure, I've yet to create for myself many opportunities to really chase this dream, instead, opting to express myself in the shower, or on the freeway. Fortunately, sometimes faith and perseverance have a way of opening up doors for you, even when you aren't looking for one. Video game composer, and genius behind the award winning DOOM (2016) soundtrack Mick Gordon posted at the start of the year, that he was looking for Metal Vocalists who specialized in screaming to submit demos for an open audition for his next project. Describing the "gig" as a never before seen Heavy Metal Hell Choir composed entirely of screams and growls (likely related to the 2019 DOOM: Eternal coming out around May). 

As a Metal fan, and aspiring vocalist, I was ecstatic over the prospect, but immediately seized by fear and doubt, and rightfully so, as I listened to the insane talent that was applying. However, this is where my resolution to pursue all opportunities, even the long shots, came into action. After mulling over the best ways to showcase my vocal range in both singing, screaming...and chanting, this is what I came up with:

An acapella demo, that is 100% me, with no effects, or instruments. Yes, it's a little rough and unrefined, but I didn't have the advanced equipment or time that other applicants did. Instead, I utilized my EarBuds, and GarageBand, and just focused on clean takes. For the uninitiated, it may sound cacophonous, but hey, it IS a "Hell Choir", and at least I was able to display my vocal range cohesively. So far I haven't heard back from the company, but I am just happy I took the chance, and went after one of my life long dreams. If I happen to receive the "golden ticket" I'll be sure to update here much faster than my usual posts!

In Closing...

There are plenty of other big changes, ones involving work and family, but I want to give those time to fully develop. I am spending as much precious time just appreciating my wife and kids as I can, and chasing that career in the field of automotive that I've always wanted. An opportunity literally called me on the phone, and I answered, even knowing I had a lot of growth left to do. I suppressed my shakes, wiped the sweat from my brow, and had a great interview. Then I laced up my boots and shadowed a talented Technician friend of mine on the job, and now, more praying. I don't know if I intended this Blog entry to be a mere update, an exercise in writing, or a chance to tell you to chase the big dreams, take risks, and smile in the face of adversity? Well, it's hard to say, but my goal is to always inspire, and leave the world a little better than I found it. 

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