Friday, April 5, 2019

A (Not So) Triumphant Return

Starting Anew...

Thoughts from a Coffee Shop

It didn’t take long for my attention to falter, and my devotion  to my blog to dwindle. However, isn’t that how “New Years Resolutions” go? It’s easy enough to accept the unlikely scenario that you will ever be able to create a reliable regimen, enough to create a following, thus justifying your lethargy. However, that's what this whole exercise is about. Training the mind, and disciplining it's thoughts. 

Like the body, the mind is a complex vessel that, when ignored, gets lazy, and loses function. When the year started, I whole heartedly intended to set a strict schedule to achieve my goals. But, one excuse to delay an update, turned into another, followed by more reasons why I could wait even longer. Soon enough, it had been almost a month, and I hadn’t updated at all. 

A lot of life happened in that period, and a lot of fascinating experiences that I desired to 
share, but how do you condense life into mere words, while still communicating the significance of the event? Well, really, it’s easy, just do it. Spew the words into the page (not on-to, you want to thread the idea through your writing), and just speak to the reader in the same way you would your friends around you at the coffee table.

This update may seem hardly important to the casual reader, but for anyone who has an interest in writing, it’s an all too common scenario, and is something they can relate to. Sometimes the (writer’s) block in the road can't be circumnavigated, but instead needs to be pushed out of the way, so that the freeway of thought can once again flow freely.

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